Is your family in full holiday mode already???
Mine is...and we attended Breakfast with Santa Saturday morning at the local community center, where I noticed a shirt that stood out to me.
It simply read the word "BELIEVE" but with some Christmas cheer.
The letters were all green, except for the middle letter, "I." I didn't get a picture (figured that'd be too "weird" to ask to take one), so I've found one that will work...the "i" highlighted by the star capdot below.
The "I" standing out is signifianct for a whole host of reasons, but I'll point the main one out today.
Study the word briefly: B E L I E V E
What do you see?
In my book I highlight the word advantage in the conclusion. I've neglected to point out this word, believe, though in the conclusion...and will make that update before Memorial Day when the Kindle version, Hardback, Audio, and updated paperback copies will be released.
For now, though...what do you see in B E L I E V E?
As for me, the letter "I" stood out on that was sparkly and silver, not green like the others. It's perfect, too...for it's up to each of us individually, the "I," to believe the L I E's we've been told, not only about "#MilitaryTransiton" but about the world in which we work and live.
Just like it's up to us to believe in the spirit of Christmas (Jesus Christ) or not.
We can also choose to B E L I E V E informed others, such as the information I'm putting out to the masses, attempting to send up the warning flares about the serious domestic threats us officers in uniformed service all swore to defend against, along with the foreign threats.
So, do you take ownership, as in "It's My Fault" for believing what I'm saying, or continuing to B E L I E V E the LIE's we've been fed all these years, or decades, in uninformed, un-informed service to the Nation?
It's up to you...take ownership...say it out loud:
"It's my fault. Good or bad, it's my fault."
To Your Liberty,
P.s. and Merry Christmas…I beLIEve…do you? If so, spread the word. If not, spread that, too. Either way, your future self will thank you.